Join us

We will be advertising for multiple positions in the lab. We are also often happy to support applications for early-career fellowships.

If you are interested in joining the lab, you can send informal enquiries to Theo Sanderson, or you can fill in the form below.

🎺 PhD Studentship Opportunity - Antiviral-induced Viral Evolution

We're advertising a collaborative project between LSHTM and the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) to investigate how mutagenic antiviral drugs can generate highly mutated yet viable viruses.

You'll have the opportunity to:

  • Gain skills in bioinformatic methods for studying viral evolution and modelling it
  • Gain wet-lab virology experience using coronavirus models

⏰ Application deadline: End of February 2025
📧 Questions? Contact Theo Sanderson or Co-Supervisor, Daniel Goldhill at RVC

Express informal interest in joining the laboratory

By filling in the form below you will express interest in joining the lab, and we may contact you to let you know if a suitable position becomes available.